Microsoft R Server

Business Driven Analytics on Microsoft R Server

DEFTeam is a Gold level partner in Data Analytics stream of Microsoft R server.

DEFTeam has created multiple applications on Microsoft R server Solutions which can be easily integrated with any web-based application.

Microsoft R Server provides APIs which can be leveraged using Javascript, .NET and Java framework. Secure web services can enforce access privileges already defined by your IT department for existing enterprise users.

Using Microsoft R Server Solutions or Machine Learning server all packages available in open source R can be used along with ScaleR package.

Case Studies

R editor facilitates utilization of power and capacity of the server on the client machine without installation of any software. This application is targeted for R Script developers. Multiple concurrent users can execute R code using this editor. Using R Editor and Machine Learning server user can run R scripts based on open source R packages and Revo Scale R packages. Here are some of the salient features of R-Editor:

  • Script Window
  • Terminal Window
  • Plot area
  • Managing Projects
  • Downloading and uploading files
  • Scheduling of R Scripts
Microsoft R Server

Control charts are mainly used for monitoring the variation in the process. There are various types of control charts available. DEFTeam can design the UI for building such control charts in a way that business user can analyze the data without using a code in R language. Below is the example of x bar chart showing the salient features of control chart:

  • Operation characteristics curves
  • Cusum charts
  • EWMA charts
  • Process Capability Analysis
  • Pareto charts
  • Cause and effect diagram
Microsoft R Server

DEFTeam has built an application using Microsoft R Server APIs allowing a business user to forecast values based on historical data. Here end user will not implement any forecasting algorithm. This application has built-in more than 10-time series algorithms. Best algorithm is chosen by the application based on Metric. Forecasted values can be represented in table format along with confidence interval values.

Microsoft R Server

Custom decision tree is build on APIs provided by Microsoft R Server. Interactive Decision Tree can be build by any user without programming in R. Web based UI provides all the functionality for building the decision tree.

Here are some of the salient features of DEFTeam’s interactive decision tree:

  • Application can be accessed by multiple users concurrently.
  • Users can create multiple projects.
  • User can do predictions using unseen data based on custom decision tree.
  • User can export custom decision tree

Key features

On-Premise or On Cloud:

DEFTeam R web applications can be easily deployed on cloud or on-premise.


These applications will be using ScaleR package from Microsoft R Server which is capable of analyzing large datasets.


These applications can be integrated with existing web applications (including business intelligence tools).


Easily integrates with LDAP and Active Directory.


Multiple users can login con-currently and utilize the full capacity of the server.

Open Source R:

Can leverage all the packages from Open source R.

On-demand Analytics:

The End-user can perform on-demand analytics without writing any R script or without having knowledge of predictive modeling.

In-database and In-Hadoop analytics:

These applications can also perform in-database and in-hadoop analytics based on requirements.


These can be accessed from anywhere using a web browser.

Connectivity to any data sources:

All these Machine Learning server applications can connect to almost all data sources.


Can be easily customized and can be extended based on business needs.

USA: DEFTeam Solutions, Inc. One Stamford Plaza, 263 Tresser Blvd. 9th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901
Tel. : +203-653-2293
Finland: DEFTeam Solutions Oy. Myyrmäenraitti 2, 01600 Vantaa, Finland.
Tel. : +358-9-4245 4499