Health Care Overview

Integrated customized plug-in on Pentaho and helped client with role-based access control

Case Study Overview:

About Client:

Our client is one of the esteemed providers in the healthcare industry. They use the Pentaho BI suite for reporting, dashboard analysis and ad-hoc reporting.

Industry: Healthcare


The initial use of this BI suite was to get insights into their supply chain such as inventory management, spend analysis and more. The tool helped the client in providing valuable insights until the client’s users reached 1000. Gaining visibility to the users’ data beyond 1000 and getting access control to personal data from multiple locations have become challenges. DEFTeam enabled custom plugin integration on Pentaho. Key results include:

  • Set Mondrian Filters to Pentaho Reports Analyzer.
  • Provide role-based security.
  • Ad-hoc analysis from Pentaho Analyzer.

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