Oct 2018

iReport Template designer is a tool to make Jasper reports. Lot of us use default templates for creating reports. We might have barely noticed that custom report template is also available. In this blog, we will walk you through on “ Creating a Custom Report Template in iReport ”. An iReport template is a predefined[…]

Embedding BI is the process of adding rich data visualization and manipulation to an application by leveraging Jaspersoft’s BI suite in the design and coding of an application. All of the following can be achieved by embedding Jaspersoft BI: 1. Reports that run on demand with output in your application or delivered in a file.[…]

Oct 2018

Bar charts are the most commonly used charts in Business Intelligence reports and Dashboards. They are useful in summarizing the categorical variables or qualitative variables where the length of the bar is directly proportional to the value they represent. This post is one of many posts related to best practices in Data Visualization Solutions. In[…]

Oct 2018

A business intelligence dashboard is a data visualization tool that displays the current status of metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for an organization. Dashboards consolidate and arrange facts, metrics, and performance KPI’s on a single screen. A business intelligence dashboard is a tool which is easy to read, often single page, real-time user interface,[…]

Oct 2018

Jaspersoft Report gives an interactive pixel perfect and ad-hoc based reports for the web, printer, and mobile devices. Jaspersoft and Pentaho use Google map marker to improve the maps which is an important KPI for Information Author. Updates of the actual map can be seen by millions of people in Google maps. DEFTeam provides various[…]

Oct 2018

Need to adopt Business Intelligence (BI) by the organizations to make smarter, faster and informed decisions is increasing with the increased competition. Thanks to the challenging economic environment that led to the advent of Business Intelligence into the array of IT Solutions. Access to information is what gives companies a competitive edge and allows them[…]

Oct 2018

In order to deploy Clustering Jasper Reports Server in a production environment with high-availability, scalable and fault-tolerant service and provide uninterrupted services to Clients without any failover or Downtime, DEFTeam has successfully implemented and served its customers with an ideal solution of Load Balancing of Clustering Jasper Reports Server Repository with Database Clustering. Cluster environment[…]

Oct 2018

TIBCO Spotfire is a true and best example of quality and class of Quintessential Visualization Tool. Quintessential Visualization Tool – TIBCO Spotfire helps in making informed decisions or decisions for the betterment of business in near future, predicts or forecasts business Key performance indicators(KPIs). Get the essential insights from complex data with never missed opportunities,[…]